Tag Archives: snow

Kasey Helps With Laundry

Kasey just got in from playing in the snow, now she wants to help with the laundry.

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High Desert Road in Winter

Here’s a spot on the highway between Searchlight and Las Vegas last Friday, most of the clouds were over the mountains and we even hit a few gaps and sunny sections on the way to catch my plane. The flight … Continue reading

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Memorial Day Weekend Snow

Memorial Day Weekend Snow We have a neighbor with a bigass cottonwood tree, and every year we get cottonwood snowbanks in May. This was taken with my Canon and the telephoto lens set to 300mm, kind of a cheaty way … Continue reading

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Sun Through Icy Trees

Sun Through Icy Trees I took this the other morning when the snow was heavy on the ice-sheathed oak, here you see the sun peeking through. As always, click on the thumbnail to see larger size and detail.

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Blizzard Dog

This one’s a bit fuzzy due to the distance and flying snow, maybe I was shivering too. Kasey loves the snow.

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Redbud in Winter

We had our first light snow overnight Sat-Sun, so of course my wife decided it was time to put up the Christmas lights. Here’s the Redbud Tree before we put up the lights.

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RIP Tony Snow

Tony Snow is a commentator and analyst who will be missed greatly. He was one of the sane people in the news business, never delving into vitriol and vinegar, but unafraid to ask the important questions. He was blessed with … Continue reading

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