Tag Archives: tree

Redbuds are Here Again

Redbuds are here again…

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Winter Woodpecker Gallery

We’ve got a few birds visiting the back yard today  – halted in their migratory trek by a freak Spring snow. Here’s a gallery of the  woodpecker that decided to hang about today. Click on the thumbs to enlarge.

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Sun Through Icy Trees

Sun Through Icy Trees I took this the other morning when the snow was heavy on the ice-sheathed oak, here you see the sun peeking through. As always, click on the thumbnail to see larger size and detail.

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Blue Sky and Buds

Blue Sky and Buds   One of the omnipresent Euro Starlings waits in a budding tree for the snow to melt.

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Willow Weeps in Winter

Willow Weeps in Winter   Taken with the Sony, click on the thumbnail to view full size. I’ve reduced the actual image to 12oo pixels btw, this is not the camera’s full resolution.

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Redbud in Winter

We had our first light snow overnight Sat-Sun, so of course my wife decided it was time to put up the Christmas lights. Here’s the Redbud Tree before we put up the lights.

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