Daily Archives: December 24, 2008

Forty Years Agone Today

Earthrise Earthrise, 1968

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Jango, Santa’s Ugliest Reindeer

Jango dropped by for a visit tonight, he’s Santa’s ugliest reindeer Continue reading

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Kasey is not Happy as an Elf

Kasey as an Elf Kasey wasn’t as complacent about being an elf as Chewey was about the reindeer outfit. A couple minutes after this was snapped she was tearing around the back yard with the hat in her mouth shaking … Continue reading

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Chewey Goes Reindeer

Chewey Goes Reindeer Chewey puts on her reindeer gear in preparation for Christmas Eve.

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The Christmas Roast

The Christmas Roast My wife asked for the the “Biggest roast you have” at the butcher’s, so now we have a 22 pound rib roast that doesn’t fit in the pan.  I seasoned it and we will be putting in … Continue reading

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