Barack Obama 1995: Reverend Wright Represents the Best that the Black Church has to Offer

You’ve probably already seen the videos of Reverend Wright saying “G-D Damn America!” “Ameri- KKK- A!” and in one of his worst rants blaming 9/11 on the US with his “chickens coming home to roost” statement. You’ve also seen Presidential Candidate Obama separate himself from him – but that was only because he needed to do so to run for president. Here’s a 1995 interview where you can see him extolling the virtue of Wright, ending by saying “Reverend Wright represents the best that the black church has to offer.” Is there any doubt that if McCain had a similar racist, america hating preacher that he would have been out of the race long ago?

In it you can also hear him talking about black liberation theology – he clearly understands what it is and the divisive nature of the marxification of black churches. All his protestations and genuflections to moderation, his dodges and his deflections are blown away by this interview. Indeed, you can hear him saying a similar thing to those that Reverend Wright did here.

This was 13 years before Barack conveniently condemned Wright and left his church. Black liberation theology is part of Barack’s identity, and like all identity movements based on race, tribe, or religion there is a large dose of hate for the “other”. This is racism writ large, and the black identity movement is no better than any of the other identity purist ideologies that I’ve bashed here in the past.

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16 Responses to Barack Obama 1995: Reverend Wright Represents the Best that the Black Church has to Offer

  1. mama winger says:

    Thanks for posting this Thanos. No way would I sit in a church like that. It has nothing to do with the Gospel.

  2. N. Dan Smith says:

    I have taken issue with some of Rev. Wright’s statements about drugs, AIDS, and the flooding of New Orleans being government conspiracies. Yet what you reference, especially the “God damn America” sermon, has nothing particularly wrong from a Christian standpoint, in my opinion. You can google and watch the sermon in context to understand my meaning. I have never heard any evidence of him being racist, but I am not so sure what is wrong with him being an America-hater. At the very least, you should examine his ideas about why and how America might have brought 9/11 on itself.

  3. Thanos says:

    Reverend Wright’s views on this differ not a jot from that of the Taliban as expressed by ex ISI member Hamid Gul right after 9/11 – it’s deliberately planted agitprop and misdirection, it’s sad that you and Reverend Wright and the troofers buy into it.

    Under your logic the Assyrian Christians were also responsible for the genocide practiced against them, etc.

  4. Pingback: Video: Obama 1995 - "Reverend Wright Represents The Best Of What The Black Church Has To Offer" | The Patriot Room

  5. N. Dan Smith says:

    Thanos, I think you misunderstand me (and Rev. Wright). I was not not talking about 9/11 conspiracy theories. What I meant is that given the conduct of the United States in the world these past decades, it is not surprising that people want to kill Americans. Was 9/11 justified? No. Are Americans responsible? No. But that does not mean that American conduct was not a contributing factor.

  6. Thanos says:

    No I understand you clearly, you think we “drew” 9/11, like the black liberation theologists, like the Paulian wingnuts, like the Buchanan brigade, like the troofers, like WCW.

    And like all of them you are so full of shit. Just come out and say it, c’mon you can do it… the line goes “it’s da jooos”.

  7. N. Dan Smith says:

    I suppose a simple “I disagree” would not have sufficed. I am curious, what do you think made al Qaeda target the United States? Did they choose us randomly? Oh wait, I know, “they hate us for our freedom.” Perhaps we should listen to what bin Laden himself has said about his motivations. Or perhaps we should consult the 9/11 Commission Report. But I digress.

    In the case of “God damn America,” Wright was preaching a sermon on the unchanging nature of God as opposed to the changing face of human government, particularly in the United States. For example: “God was a god of justice yesterday, and God, who does not change, is still a god of justice today.” Now, he recites some injustices, and notes that they are damnable offenses. The value in his sermon is the guard against the idolatry that is nationalism. That is, he takes a pragmatic view of the state – when it does good, God bless it – when it does bad . . . Again, an example with context: “God damn America for killing innocent people.” So, my question to you is: what is wrong with that sentiment?

  8. Thanos says:

    Dan, no matter how many words you choose to use you are still full of unmitigated morally relativistic bullshit.

  9. N. Dan Smith says:

    OK, you do not want to engage in a discussion. My apologies for wasting your time.

  10. Thanos says:

    No I won’t engage in discussion of why we should abandon Israel or how things are our fault, as I’ve had way to many of those over the past 8 years. You aren’t going to change your view either.

  11. Claudia says:

    I have sent the post to several friends… It’s really important for everyone to see this.

  12. Incognito says:

    Nothing this country has “done” justified 9/11. We have given more aide to most of those countries that want us dead than any other country in the world.

    And 9/11 has more to do with the 3d Jihad than perceived U.S. wrongs. Too bad more people don’t get that.

  13. wildbegger says:

    What little is known about Obama and his policies and the people he associated with scares me. I cannot believe that all the voters who are praising him about all he’s done, when in reality he hasn’t
    done anything worth mentioning except associated
    with a radical preacher an admitted terrorist and
    a crooked real estate salesman. Obama has not written one bill in the U.S. Congress nor did he write any in the Illinois state congress. So when asked what has he done since being in politics what is the answer????

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