Daily Archives: July 26, 2007

Squirrell Catapult

The title says it all, don’t tell PETA on this guy…

Posted in Art | 2 Comments

Spock is Back!

Leonard Nimoy will star in the upcoming Star Trek movie to be released in December 2008. Personally, just from the eyebrow thing, I think they ought to get “The Rock!” to play the younger Spock instead of Zachary Quinto.  From … Continue reading

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Pakistan Update

UBL is either dead, incapacitated by disease or drugs, or held prisoner. When I’ve said that in previous posts, I never remarked whose prisoner he is, but it’s possible that he could be prisoner to the infamous Egyptian, Dr. Ayman Al Zawahiri. Continue reading

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Wahabbist Smack Down

I came across this article in comments while surfing Metroblogging Islamabad, H/T to JayJay. If you ever need to lay the smack down on a Wahabbist in terms he will understand, this article’s great background. Ibn Wahab’s initial devotees were … Continue reading

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Pelosi Pimping Subsidies

In her latest bid to buy votes for democrats in the unpopular legislative branch, Nancy Pelosi is pimping more farm subsidies to the midwest, and ignoring her own constituents. Continue reading

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Bombing Harry Potter Update

Previously I detailed how terrorists tried to blow up the book release party in Karachi, and today from Iran we have this Continue reading

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