7/7/7 : Remembering Anat

anat_rosenburg.jpgI have a friend I work with from Israel – we’ve never met in real life, but we oft speak together on conference bridges. She travels back and forth between the US and Israel, an important program manager for a large company.

I love it when Anat comes on the conference bridge, because she is so sharp, certain and intelligent — whatever muddle the developers are in she clears up quickly. She’s cheerful, gracious, a newlywed,  and I do wish her and her husband well in Tel Aviv.

This is not about the Anat I know however, it’s about Anat Rosenburg — who died in a blast two years agone, on 7/7/5.  Anat feared returning to Israel to visit her parents because of the Hamas and Hez’ballah terrorists — however hate and evil knows few boundaries and terror took her life anyway on 7/7. She returned to Israel to be buried.

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Lal Masjid, Jamia Hafsa and Things to Come

Personally, I have faith and confidence in the Pakistanis — they will overcome this crisis, and they will over time do what’s right for their children and grandchildren. They will make better schools, they will drive out extremism, and they will become a beacon of true science and scholarship for all things;

musharaaf-in-uniform.jpgdjinn-abdul-aziz-ghazi.jpgUp to now in the coverage I’ve been laying out just the facts I could find, and some minor speculation, but during this lull I will take some time to analyse what is happening; so below you will see some of my opinion. 

The siege at Pakistan’s Red Mosque, where two radical mullahs defied both the government and sanity for months continues. The only thing operative in the building is a telephone and since ring and battery are provided up the line, the remaining un-captured cleric, Abdul Rasheed Ghazi, is able to make calls and interviews with the press.

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