Daily Archives: July 8, 2007

Mullah Omar Aides Captured; Lal Masjid Assassins Captured

Taleban aids of Mullah Omar arrested Continue reading

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Breaking: Deranged Leftist Shoots Serviceman on the 4th

The mainstream press is doing their best to cover this up — however Charles and the Lizards uncovered the fact that there were two suicide notes with anti-military and antigovernment rants in them. Little Green Footballs.

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Pakistan Readies Operation in Swat

Pakistan might be unlimbering troops in Swat  in Malakand to ready them for an operation against the radical mullah, Maulana Fazalullah, who has called for insurrection to support Lal Masjid. The mullah has known associations and sympathies for the Lal … Continue reading

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Lal Masjid Update: SSG Commander Haroon ul-Islam Dead

In this picture you see the evil death cult vision of how the cowardly brothers think children should behave, and in this article you can read more about the sick brainwashing these two brothers have performed on the children. This is child-abuse. Continue reading

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