Daily Archives: July 1, 2007

Jaish-e-Muhammed Leader Captured with 8 in Pakistan

The police have arrested eight terrorist suspects here with links to banned militant outfit Jaish-e-Muhammad and the Taliban, police said. The eight men are believed to have been behind an attack on a missionary school near Murree on August 5, 2002, killing six Pakistanis;
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Iranian Directed Hez’ballah Commander Captured in Iraq

This commander under orders from the Qods force (Jerusalam force,) in Iran was captured in Iraq. This commander has confessed to participation in the Karbala incident. Video Below from CNN: There is a lot of new detail this morning at … Continue reading

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Iran’s Problem with Gas

Please stop by Paleo-Lithics for a retrospective of gas riot videos from Iran. I also recommend that you page back through a few posts, the blog’s author is one of the most creative people you will ever see using photoshop.

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