Daily Archives: July 2, 2007

Taliban Schisms Widen

Christian Science Monitor and the Pakistan Daily times have articles on the widening schisms in the Taliban which we’ve tracked here since last August. The splits are for a variety of reasons, they are not purely sectarian as some have … Continue reading

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Castle Dracula Returned

Castle Dracula for sale to the right buyer Continue reading

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More Arrests in Glasgow Terror Attack

UPDATE: CNN breaking video report — not the two above, but the two men who rammed the Jeep into the Airport are the same men who planted the car-bombs near the Tiger Tiger nightclub in Piccadilly. Continue reading

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Al Qaida; True Evil

Michael Yon has a report on the evil of Al Qaida in Iraq, and in the past I’ve pointed out their evil elsewhere. Anyone still following this mad dajjal andĀ  his demons is truly beyond all hope, and must be … Continue reading

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Loopy Loo

Tony Blair gets everything right in this interview

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Deadly Terror Attack in Yemen

A car bomb attack at the Temple of the Moon in Yemen has killed six Spanish Tourists and Two Yemenis. A picture of the historic temple can be seen here at Al Bab. Continue reading

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Spirit and Opportunity are Still Alive

Over a year ago, in April 2006 I marveled at the longevity of the two Martian rovers, and wondered if they would make it through the Martian winter. They are both stillĀ alive and still working, although Spirit has a nickname … Continue reading

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