Daily Archives: July 21, 2007

Let us be like a bird

Let us be like a bird for a moment perched On a frail branch when he sings; Though he feels it bend, yet he sings his song, Knowing that he has wings. — Victor Hugo

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Bombing Harry Potter

Perhaps Al Qaeda and the Taliban are beginning to realize how similar they are to the Death-Eaters and other followers of he-who-must-not-be-named? Continue reading

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Canadian TV Imam Calls For Jihad Against Jews

Please stop by Weasel Zippers for the breaking story: A news report in the National Post revealed that the non-profit broadcaster aired an hour-long talk by Muslim preacher Israr Ahmad. “Jihad in the way of Allah, for the cause of … Continue reading

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Pakistan Update

Most of the victims were ordinary people who were waiting on a bus stop Continue reading

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Wahabbists in Bosnia: A Dangerous Trend

In a lengthy but lucid and fact-filled article ADN Kronos details the dark seed of Saudi-funded Wahabbism in Bosnia. It appears that the Wahabbists are moving to cow the moderate, (or “Takfir“to the Wahabbists,) Muslims in the region. If it’s … Continue reading

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Iran Shuts Down Another Newspaper

In the continuing wave of repression against Iranian youth, the authorities have shut down the student newspaper Sobh (The Morning.) Story at ADN Kronos The Iranian authorities have ordered one of the newest independent student publications, Sobh to close down … Continue reading

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Italians Arrest Terror Imam From Morocco

Italian police arrested three Moroccans, including an Imam, who had terror training materials and videos in a Mosque on the outskirts of Rome Continue reading

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Terror Doctor’s Sim Found in Glasgow Jeep

Muhammed Haneef, the Indian doctor detained in Australia after the Glasgow bombing is stating that he lent his cousin his sim card so he could take advantage of the extra minutes on his plan. The phone sim was found in … Continue reading

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