Iranian IED Factories

The London Telegraph details the Iranian manufactured IED’s being used to kill civilians wirq20b.jpgby the thousands, and occasionally British and American troops, including one of ours today. There’s no Adnan Hajj snapping the photos in the marketplaces of Iraq, no Green Helmet Guy holding up the dead Iraqi children that Iran is creating, so folks aren’t paying much attention.

I blogged this back in July, here, but then not many folks stop by here. Now that the Iranians are mass manufacturering them, and now that they are precision honed as well as factory assembled, we have to come up with a new name, for these are not “improvised”.

Excerpt from the London Telegraph story:

Three factories in Iran are mass-producing the sophisticated roadside bombs used to kill British soldiers over the border in Iraq, it has been claimed.

The lethal bombs are being made by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps at ordnance factory sites in Teheran, according to opponents of the country’s theocratic regime.

The Sunday Telegraph revealed in April that Iranian-made devices employing several EFPs, directed at different angles, were being used in Iraq.

And in June, this newspaper obtained the first picture of one of the Iraqi insurgent weapons – designed to fire an armour-piercing EFP – believed to have been responsible for the deaths of 17 British soldiers.

British Government scientists have already established that the mines are precision-made weapons thought to have been turned on a lathe by craftsmen trained in the manufacture of munitions.

Members of the Washington-based Iran Policy Committee have released the details about the three bomb factories gathered by the exile group, the National Council for Resistance in Iran (NCRI).

Iranians working for the NCRI pinpointed the facilities at three industrial sections called Sattari, Sayad Shirazi and Shiroodi. The factories are in the Lavizan neighbourhood in northern Teheran which is controlled by the country’s defence ministry. The Sattari Industry specialises in anti-tank mines and operates under the aegis of the IRGC’s al-Quds or Jerusalem Force.

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2 Responses to Iranian IED Factories

  1. Pingback: alphabet city

  2. I guess we could always just call them land mines

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