Daily Archives: May 19, 2006

Singularity Summit

See Jerry Pournelle’s blog of the Stanford Singulartiy Summit here. If you have no clue what is meant by the singularity, read some Vernor Vinge, or go here.

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Dems and RINOs kill offshore drilling

It appears Congress wants both us and our children dependent on despots and tyrants for energy. Continue reading

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KOS hates Walking in Overland Park KS

Over at KOS SpleenOrnament displays the natural insecurity and paranoia of the left. I live in the area, and walk in Overland Park all the time, but look at Spleen’s take on it: There are places in America where walking … Continue reading

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Somalia and the left

The left hemisphere of the blogosphere is up in arms over rumored US intervention in Somalia. They are upset that we might be dealing with some of the warlords in control of the countryside instead of the “official government”. Some of these … Continue reading

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The best news in years!

This is the single most encouraging news item I have seen in ten years because without nuclear power America is certain to falter in this century. GE has broken ground on a new factory that will make next-generation Nuclear Power … Continue reading

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