Daily Archives: May 14, 2006

Dan would Rather whine

I can’t believe he’s still going on about this, see Liz Strauss’ article or Dave Winer’s at Scripting News. Gosh, I guess I feel like one of those Ideological Partisans now….  Courage Dan, Courage.

Posted in Journalism, Politics | 1 Comment

If Bush Sends National Guard to the Border

UPDATE: Anderson Cooper 360 covering this after next commercial break.  If as predicted President Bush does put National Guard or other armed forces on the border, then the left will dredge up an incident from the past. It involved a … Continue reading

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NSA teapot tempest update

The case of Smith v. Maryland in 1979, the U.S. Supreme Court said that the government could continue to use phone records, who called from where to where, at what time, for what length, for intelligence and criminal investigations without a warrant.

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China and Cuba to siphon off gulf oil

China and Cuba will soon be tapping the reserves of oil under the Gulf of Mexico within fifty miles of Key West, Florida. These reserves are off-limits to US oil drillers due to extensive no-drilling zones created by congress. It’s … Continue reading

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