Daily Archives: May 3, 2006

Planned Swedish terrorist attack, a first

First report of a terrorist attacking in Sweden, story here.

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NSA Spying? Worry more about Google, Yahoo, and Cisco

To all of you tinfoil-hat wearing liberals worried about Bush and the NSA, here’s where your focus should be instead.  For those who support freedom of internet reporting, here’s an interesting site:                        Reporters Without Borders New World report just … Continue reading

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Pseudo-Hillary gets Recalled…

  Commander in Chef………. canceled. And in more interesting news, try to picture how they got this guy out of the stall…  And in the things get weirder everyday category…. I will cop to the fact that I have paid … Continue reading

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More NYT near-traitorous idiocy

The New York Times has found another congressional leaker for the world socialist cause. See the article here. Yes, all the parts of this are declassified, I read them myself in some science rags, however the pieces assembled and the … Continue reading

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Moussaoui Gets Life

Mouissaoui gets life -the jury here probably had in the back of their mind “but if we kill him as he wants then that’s another martyr for Islam….” That’s fear talking. Continue reading

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