Daily Archives: May 7, 2006

KOS gears up for elections

  KOS is starting the campaign, see this. Grassroots efforts to support lesser known candiates starts, check the “requirements” & “positives” sections at bottom. Also note my earlier recommendation to conservatives: We are six months and change out from mid-terms, so … Continue reading

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The unrest starts: Teachers strike against HAMAS over pay

The internal unrest starts against HAMAS, see article on teacher’s strike:

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Freres Jaques

 Freres Jacues, Frere Jacques,      Dormez-vous, dormez-vous?      Sonnez les matines,      Sonnez les matines,      Din, din, don! Din, din, don! Update here.

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Iran’s state of nuclear development

In Luttwak’s new Commentary piece there is a lot of well-researched detail and information about the state of Iran, it’s weapons program, and the population. This is important background to understand whether you agree with his conclusions or not. Thanks … Continue reading

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Swedish hostage taker retires

Little Green Footballs article on Sweden inviting HAMAS.  The Swedish bank robber responsible for the term “stockholm syndrome” turned himself in today. Swedish Authorities let him go so he can collect his pension when he retires soon…  Meanwhile Sapo (Swedish … Continue reading

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