Daily Archives: May 17, 2006

Army issues campaign ribbons for GWOT

From Military.com  Washington D.C. – The Army will begin recognizing the heroic contributions of its units toward the Global War on Terror June 15 with the award of campaign participation credit to units that served and/or are serving in the … Continue reading

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Bush needs no defending, but I’m going to

Venting never accomplishes much except to make you feel better for the moment. It’s time to stop the chorus of catcalls aimed at George W. Bush — we knew where he stood on immigration when we voted him into office … Continue reading

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Hamas vs. Fatah, none dare call it Civil War

As the friction between the warring Palestinian factions heats up and the deaths mount, where are the worried-looking talking heads speaking of insurrection and civil war? Maybe they aren’t there because they haven’t figured out an angle to pin this … Continue reading

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Tony Blair Favors Nuclear power

Excellent coverage of Tony Blair’s speech in favor of Nuclear power at the Oil Drum from the UK, Courtesy of NEI.

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