Daily Archives: May 13, 2006

Children of lightning or Children of terror?

Mankind is ingenious at tapping the energy bounty provided by nature. From the first fire, to windmills, to water wheels, to today’s electric generating plants we have progressed from superstitious awe and deification of nature to harnessing it to our … Continue reading

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Nuclear updates

Nuclear updates Japan nuclear industry gets a win in court here. Here’s an update on China’s progress.

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NSA teapot tempest

The NSA call pattern tracking efforts are really a tempest in a teapot, and similar efforts have gone on a long time. There is much misreporting going on at USA today, either from ignorance or from a suspect “unidentified source”. … Continue reading

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Persistent Courage

Real courage takes persistence — it’s neither the bluster or posture of a moment, nor even the brave act of an instant as most people would picture it. Real courage takes fortitude, resolve, and a strength of character that few in … Continue reading

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