Daily Archives: May 11, 2006

Non-Nuclear ICBMs

Follow up to my earlier report, Russians are now alarmed that they see the strategic import of this. One example: A bunker buster equipped ICBM could get from a sub in the Indian Ocean to Usama Bin-Laden’s cave in Pakistan … Continue reading

Posted in Science | 3 Comments

Securing America’s Energy Future report out at House

New House of Representatives energy policy report out, see details at NEI, excerpt below of key findings — please note the finding that current prices are demand driven and note the wake-up call regarding catastrophic supply shock, emphasis mine: the … Continue reading

Posted in Energy, Politics, Science | 2 Comments

Great news from Iraq

Gateway pundit has an excellent piece about 200 tribal leaders signing an anti-terror pact, please take a stop by there this morning. Here’s a quote from the article: A foundation speaker said that the conference will be attended by heads … Continue reading

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