Daily Archives: May 18, 2006

Pelosi rumored to remove Harman from House Intel committee

Is Pelosi setting up for the house leadership team, or picking off a potential rival for the minority leadership role? Read this story, then decide.

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Immigration reform: Will it take a thousand burning cars?

Aussiegirl points out the tough new French Immigration legistlation. Will it take a thousand cars burning a night here in America before we wake up like they did? I certainly hope we aren’t as foolish as the French.

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Let Illegals vote in Carrboro

People get the government they deserve. See who the citizens of Carrboro NC voted for at Little Green Footballs.

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Masri torture case against Tenet dismissed

The Masri torture case against George Tenet was dismissed in court today. U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis agreed with government arguments that moving forward with the case of Khaled el-Masri would risk national security by exposing state secrets about CIA activities … Continue reading

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Bush speaks on Nuclear Power

This is going to get lost in the immigration hubub, but it’s very important. One of the the most significant things President Bush has done is to bring nuclear power back into discussion, and with a favorable light. See coverage … Continue reading

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Ballot Initiative season

Our country is a wonderful experiment — constitutionally provisioned to allow fifty separate states and governments to work in concert, but at the same time hold separate laws. After several years of liberal constitutional interpretations, some see no purpose to … Continue reading

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Communism is like rust

Communism is like rust, in that it never sleeps. Continue reading

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Sean Penn to weep before Congress

Get ready for another liberal mythology movie just prior to elections in ’08. Sean Penn is signed to play Richard Clarke, as Drudge forwards this report. This looks to be a block-DUDster. Christopher Isham Reports: Former White House counter-terrorism official … Continue reading

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