Tag Archives: Space

Back to Our Moon: Powering Our Return ; a clip from NASA

It’s well past the time that we should have been back to our moon. Make no mistake: This is an existential task for the human race. NASA’s new partnership with Maxar and their propulsion system explained. via Powering Our Return … Continue reading

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Our Pale Blue Dot

This is our pale blue dot — ours but for a moment in vast cosmic time.

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Deep Space and That Sense of Wonder

Deep Space and That Sense of Wonder Few things inspire true awe and wonder about the Universe as much as it’s immense size and age. Get your heaping helping of “sense of wonder” for today by watching this video. You’ll … Continue reading

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Post Barakalyptic Wasteland

Post Barakalyptic Wasteland Ayn Rand once wrote an essay that compared the crowd and the aftermath of the Apollo 11 Launch in 1969 to that of Woodstock. It was both acerbic and insightful, contrasting how the 1 million souls interested in science and the future at Cape Kennedy left … Continue reading

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Space is a Moral Imperative

Expansion into space is a must for the future survival of humanity, right now all of our eggs are in one fragile basket. https://www.youtube.com/c/NASASTIProgram

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