Tag Archives: faith

Putting Faith in its Place

Putting Faith in its Place A good logical examination of faith, and why you shouldn’t go overboard with it and try to control others by its dictates. Those should be personal for you, but not for everyone else – their … Continue reading

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Murder Through Faith

Murder Through Faith Madeline Kara Neumann; Photo credit AP/Daylife A Jury has convicted Kara’s mother of second-degree reckless homicide after her daughter died from a medically treatable form of diabetes which her parents tried to treat through prayer. Story at … Continue reading

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Obama Gets a Helping Hand on Faith From the MSM

h/t Little Green Footballs. Nice help there George, Nice Lie there Obama: “He has suggested that I am a muslim.”  John McCain never suggested that you were muslim, and has decried the attempts to paint you as one.

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Amish Save Children Through Genetic Science

This video is counter point to the previous post on faith healing. Here you see people of a deeply conservative faith willing to use science because they value life first. .

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Murder Through Faith

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