Tag Archives: muslim

UK Muslim Extremist Exposed on Facebook

Asghar Bukhari, a regular speaker for Muslim Public Affairs Committee of the UK appears frequently on television as a “moderate” muslim in interviews. This week he got caught out in a rant on facebook Continue reading

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Al Qaeda Kills More Muslims

The sad fact is that I could run this headline pretty much any day of the week and have it be fresh news and true. Al Qaeda will continue to kill muslims until muslims tire of it and kill Al … Continue reading

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Obama Gets a Helping Hand on Faith From the MSM

h/t Little Green Footballs. Nice help there George, Nice Lie there Obama: “He has suggested that I am a muslim.”  John McCain never suggested that you were muslim, and has decried the attempts to paint you as one.

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JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Self-Censors after Muslim Fundamentalists Seethe Over Quran Depiction

JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is an ongoing Anime/Manga cartoon series produced by A.P.P.P. of Japan, and recently they made and inadvertent mistake. They pictured a villain vowing to kill the hero while reading pages from the Quran. Are muslims seething again because the publishers made a mistake, or are they seething because the company inadvertently got something right? Continue reading

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Another Grim Jihadi Milestone

In another grim Islamist Terror group milestone, 902 muslims were killed in April, and another 1208 were maimed and injured. Indeed, since these numbers are compiled from news reports, some of the injured could have slipped into the death column after the news was reported, and many likely did. Continue reading

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Guns on Campus

Toy guns to be sure, but demonstrators carrying guns while wearing fatiques after the two campus massacres is a bit in poor taste, and I suspect these idiots are doing more to harm their cause than aid it. Stop by … Continue reading

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