Daily Archives: November 11, 2007

Muslim Brotherhood Propagandist Loses Head, Ten to Hang

The story of Mohammed Taha comes to a close as the Islamists responsible for his beheading were sentenced to death by hanging. Mohammed was a propagandist for the Muslim Brotherhood, he wrote Islamist screeds to further their aims. The problem … Continue reading

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Musharraf Speaks on Emergency Rule

Musharraf speaks on emergency rule in the following video

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3 Al Qaeda HVT’s Captured in Iraq

In a good start to labor day, the military has captured three Al Qaeda high-value targets, and 200 more operatives in Iraq today. This is a great kick-off to the new campaign in the north as they mop up the remaining dregs of Al … Continue reading

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Veteran’s Day; Armistice Day; Remembrance Day 2007

This is a day to honor and remember all those who have served our country in its need. We remember those who fought amidst smoke and ruin, and those who worked long hours behind them wishing they were there at the … Continue reading

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