Daily Archives: November 20, 2007

Hostage A Year and Four Days

There are 305 Private Security Contractors held captive in Iraq and Iran according to Brookings institute;this is the story of one. Continue reading

Posted in Freedom | 12 Comments

New Bin Laden Sightings

There are new rumors of Bin Laden, and Bill Roggio has coverageĀ at the Weekly Standard. To add to the mix I will insert below excerpts from my posts last year on this: 8-20-06: Potentially a Bin-Laden sighting from India, this … Continue reading

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Musharraf Heads to Saudi Arabia

Acting President Musharraf has relaxed emergency rule a bit by freeing thousands of dissidents and political opponents as he heads to Saudi Arabia. It is likely that he will meet with ex-Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif once there, now that his … Continue reading

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The Children who Survived

On 11/6 a Taliban bomber murdered 52 Muslim children in Afghanistan, 5 of their teachers and several others totalling 72 innocent lives destroyed. Reuters has a story this morning on the children who survived, and the nightmares they face nightly: … Continue reading

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Carl at Israel Matzav has lengthy round-up of links to bloggers covering the Annapolis conference, please stop by, Israel Matzav

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