Daily Archives: November 26, 2007

November Full Moon Fading

Tonight’s moon, ISO 100 / 300 mm lens.

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Al Qaeda Update

Al Qaeda leader(?) Osama Bin Laden is going to release a new tape shortly since his last was such a dud on the pop music charts. In the meantime, they’ve captured his bride in Iraq, his bride is definitely more … Continue reading

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Iranian Special Groups Murder Muslims in Baghdad

Bill Roggio has a report of a false-flag Quds force attack on the 24th in Baghdad. Apparently the Pet Market bombing was designed to simulate an Al Qaeda in Iraq attack in order to build support for the Sadrist or … Continue reading

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Iraq the Bureaucrat

Bureaucrats are a boring, dusty, dull, but very necessary evil. They manage processes, and filing, and protocol for governments and business across the planet with means arcane to people of reason, and they usually know when it’s right to use the … Continue reading

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Pakistan Update: Ground Offensive in Swat

The Pakistani army has upped the tempo of it’s offensive in Pakistan, switching from air and artillery attacks to an advancing ground offensive. They’ve also blockaded the region, cutting off food to the Fazlullah Taliban insurgents. They’ve also started up … Continue reading

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