Daily Archives: November 9, 2007

Aung San Suu Kyi Speaks With Party Leaders

In a sign of concession, or a sign that Than Shwe wants to take the heat off the military junta awhile, Aung San Suu Kyi was allowed to meet with her Parties Leaders Friday in Burma. (aka Myanmar, but I … Continue reading

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Hillary’s Jihadi Donors

The Clinton Campaign of Corruption continues — this time the donors are terror supporters who even Cynthia McKinney returned money from. Continue reading

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MOP Gets Attention in Iran; Dems Kick up a Storm

The request for expedite of a new class of massive bunker-buster has the attention of the mullahs in Iran. As reprorted by Kansas City.com: Longer than a Humvee and weighing more than two elephants, the latest and largest bunker-busting bomb … Continue reading

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When Two Tribes go to War

This is dedicated to the Identity, Tradition, Sovereignity committee of the EU, a far right PAC of parliament members with questionably large amounts of “xenophobia”. The article inspiring the dedication is here. This video fits with some of their medieval yearnings.

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Taliban Murders 52 Muslim Schoolchildren

In earlier reporting the parliamentary members were mentioned, but this is the most heinous evil of the suicide bombing in Afghanistan earlier this week. From AP: KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Dozens of schoolchildren and five teachers were among those killed … Continue reading

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Bhutto Arrested

UPDATE: BHUTTO RELEASED Pakistani authorities have removed the detention order after capturing some suicide bombers, story at Reuters: “The detention order has been withdrawn,” said Aamir Ali Ahmed, Acting Deputy Commissioner of Islamabad. Earlier in the day police prevented Bhutto … Continue reading

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Al Qaeda or Tribal Attack?

In another attack on oilfields that could send oil prices up again, a Yemeni tribe attacked an oil installation at Shabwah, about 136 miles Southeast of  Sanaa. 16 were killed total including six of the attacking tribesmen. Tribesmen from Bani Harith also … Continue reading

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