Daily Archives: November 7, 2007

Constitutional Crisis in Belgium

The key question to ask is the future of Brussels – it is comprised of somewhere between 60-85% French speakers depending on who you ask. If the country is split, in which half would Brussels lie? Continue reading

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Why Obama Should not be President

Most Americans think it appropriate to place their hand over their heart and face the flag during the Star Spangled banner, but apparently Obama thinks it’s a better sign of respect to cup them beneath his johnson.

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Soldier’s Angels Needs Donations

Soldier’s Angels is a charity that takes care of our soldiers and their families – they help the wounded and their families. They provide tailored laptops to soldiers with disabilities, and each year they grow in the amount and types … Continue reading

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Pakistan Update: Fazlullah Takes Another Town

UPDATE: Police have clashed with PPP supporters of Benazir Bhutto outside parliament. This comes after a trip to Islamabad, where she is attempting to pull the old All Parties Democracy Movement back together, saying she will include PML-N and MMA as well. The planned rally … Continue reading

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