Daily Archives: November 3, 2007

Pakistan Update: PCO and NRO Explained

In tonight’s Daily Times there is a well done analysis of the Emergency order and it’s probable outcomes and effects. I normally do not copy articles whole, but this is a historic and important time, so here it is: News … Continue reading

Posted in Freedom, Politics | 2 Comments

Pakistan Emergency Rule Analysis

WARNING: This is neither news nor fact, this is 100% speculation on my part, I could be partially or wholly wrong in any of the following. The timing of the Emergency Rule declaration leads me to believe that Musharraf has … Continue reading

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State of Emergency in Pakistan: Constitution Suspended

The Globe and Mail is reporting that Pakistan’s President Chief of Army Staff Musharraf has declared a state of emergency and suspended the constitution of Pakistan. This gives him near-dictatorial powers, and is highly concerning for the future freedom of … Continue reading

Posted in Freedom, Journalism | 4 Comments