Daily Archives: November 23, 2007

Tonight’s Full Moon Obscured by Clouds

Tonight’s full moon obscured by clouds, I had to set ISO to 1600 to get this. . And since that came out dreary and dim, here’s an object d’art to muse upon.

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Vlaams Belang Split Initiative Voted Down: Belgium United?

In a new alliance of Northern Flemish Centrist parties and the liberal left parties has voted down the latest provocative move by Vlaams Belang to split Belgium. From Euronews: A move by Belgium’s far-right Vlaams Belang to split the country … Continue reading

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The Downside of Windpower

This New York Times article details some of the downside to windfarms that I described last year, it’s a good read to understand all of the issues and costs of wind-generated power. Some solutions could be batteries, capacitors, etc. but … Continue reading

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