Pakistan Update

The earlier articles detailed the Lal Masjid wrap-up so I will avoid that tonight, other than to point you to this lucid editorial. The editorial details the immediate concerns, and the politics, however it does miss an angle. Is it not Saudi cultural imperialism in the form of easy-to-gain and hard-to-tame Deobandi madrassas and mosques that is driving at least some of this?

Notice that the Wafiq Madaris was fine with the peace deal until such time as they found that they would not gain the land. So more died, and who in the end provides the spark for those fires you see in FATA?

The other news:

The US delivered the first two of a fleet of F-16 jets to Pakistan today, this will modernize and update the PAF defense posture as the planes have been refitted and modernized.

Two Ghazi associates picked up: Maulana Fazlur Rehman Khalil, chief of the banned Harkatul Mujahideen, & Farooq Kashmiri, another militant commander, who was called in from Azad Jammu and Kashmir two days ago, was already in the government’s custody.

haroon-ul-islam-funeral-procession.jpgRemembering Heros It is best to look to those who truly serve and inspire after horrid events I find.

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6 Responses to Pakistan Update

  1. babbazee says:

    Shalom Thanos

    me again with another OT Lizard blog

    #468 1389 7/11/2007 4:14:21 am PDT reply quote

    To everyone here who is a blogger:

    I’ve started a counterterrorist “blog swarm” to alert the public about
    jihadism in the Balkans. I would appreciate it very much if you would
    please read this article, which explains what this is all about and what
    we’re trying to accomplish:

    Counterterrorist Blog Swarm Wanted

    Thank you!

    Alida Weber a/k/a 1389

    Thank you Thanos
    I think you are wonderful

  2. Thanos says:

    I need to know the nick on LGF to add her Babba.

  3. babbazee says:

    The LGF nick on the post is


    Thank you Thanos!

  4. Tark says:

    It’s done

  5. 1389 says:

    I’m in the process of moving my blog from to

    More features will be added to the blog after it moves, because it’ll be under WordPress. It’ll be an antijihadist/techie blog, as it is now, with emphasis on exposing jihadism and particularly cyberjihadism, and of providing access to the technical news, tools, and techniques that help antijihadist activists to be more effective on the Web.

    Hope to hear from you, and thanks for posting this!


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