Daily Archives: April 27, 2007

Great News From Afghanistan

Because it’s just another dry statistic, you aren’t going to hear much about this in the media, but in Afghanistan infant mortality has dropped by 18% over the Taliban era. That means there are healthier children being provided better care, and that Afghanistan has a brighter future. Continue reading

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The Face of Evil

Turning your back on evil, hiding, ignoring it, pretending it doesn’t exist… that’s always the easy thing to do. Perseverance is the hardest constituent of courage to find, and most folks just don’t have the spine or the patience to persist against evil, but persist we must. Continue reading

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Zimbabwe: a Country Where Sheryl Crow Makes Sense

Zimbabwe, a country where even Sheryl Crow makes sense. Continue reading

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Senior Al Qaeda operative Abd al-Hadi al-Iraqi captured

Bill Roggio has the full story, and more with video at Hot Air. It’s always a good day when another Al Qaeda dog gets taken to Club Gitmo. UPDATE: Abd al-hadi al-Iraqi is a suspect for the 7/7 bombings, as … Continue reading

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