Daily Archives: April 30, 2007

Connecting the Dots — All Roads Lead to London

Please stop by Little Green Footballs for a must see video on the true connects between all the large terror attacks in London and America the past few years.

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Pakistan Update

In the WTF (What the Fatwah!?) Department we have another woman who goes on the list of having more courage than many men — Nilofer Bhaktiar in a Daily Times interview Continue reading

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Iran Exterminates Individuality

In its race to become the most repressive regime since Mao Zedong’s, the State of Iran is now mandating haircut styles for men, and burqas for women. It’s a quest doomed to failure – trying to remake people into the state’s … Continue reading

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Lost Comments

Apologies to Ornery Elephant, and maybe one other? I lost some comments this morning through not paying attention while deleting some spam. I am also implementing a new policy, as I reply to comments I will insert my replies at … Continue reading

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