Daily Archives: April 1, 2007


Incandescence The furnace of the soul slips heat and light past blind shutters Isinglass and iron can’tĀ  contain bright burning thoughts IdeasĀ heed no boundaries and information seeks freedom Someday all souls will be freed. — Thanos Written for Aung San … Continue reading

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Tehran Airs New Video of Kidnapped Sailors

What should the response be?

Full time patrol of the edge of the REAL border by US Naval forces
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UK in Direct Talks With Iran

Little Green Footballs goes into detail on the recent UK tack from the Cobra Committee and points out that while the Brits go hat in hand to the Mullahs, students are once again attacking the UK embassy in Tehran. Continue reading

Posted in Freedom, Politics | 1 Comment

Crows Come Home to Roost, Extremist Roots in Islamabad

All across the muslim world we are seeing muslim vs muslim violence and it will continue. This is the ancient power struggle of the Islamic world, and the payback that Islamic leaders, both secular and religious, gained by nurturing extremism: … Continue reading

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The Gridiron Dinner

“Many argue that global warming is manmade,” Cheney said, “and it looks like they found the man.” Continue reading

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