Daily Archives: April 7, 2007

Religious Scholars Rebuke Jamia Hafsa-Lal Masjid

The Nation reports on religious scholars rebuking the militant Jamia Hafsa Mullahs who have declared Sharia court for Islamabad : ISLAMABAD(APP) -Religious scholars from different schools of thought here Saturday described as negative actions of students of Jamia Hafsa and adminstration of … Continue reading

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Fred Thompson on The Pirates of Tehran

Fred’s blogging at red state, his commentary is very lucid and compelling. Please stop by for a read. Continue reading

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Jamia Hafsa Update

Something I missed yesterday: The government has blocked the Lal Masjid website, and stopped FM broadcasts from them, as reported in Pak online forums & Dawn. Also note that the  government is searching for Lal Masjid’s presses, this article points … Continue reading

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Imus Apologizes; NABJ Wants Him Fired

Since the Imus show runs on MSNBC, how far will this carry is the question? Will this get as much play in the press and on the blogs as Ann Coulter’s remarks? Continue reading

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