Daily Archives: April 16, 2007

Bhutan Prepares for Democracy

What amazes me is reading some of the online forums in Nepal, the debaters in the forums are quoting heavily from the Federalist papers, and seem to know more about the founding of our country than most Americans. It’s thrilling that the old words which paved the way to our freedoms hundreds of years ago still have power across the world today. Continue reading

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Jamia Hafsa Lal Masjid Break off Talks

Jamia Hafsa leaders broke off negotiations to end the library siege after an army helicopter hovered over them and took pictures. They reported that the helicopter sprayed “strange gas on them” but I would wager that’s the normal exhaust and … Continue reading

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Waziristan News

it appears that the Uzbeks fled to North Wazirstan, or they used some clever misdirection by putting Tahir Yaldashev’s bullet proof Prado 4×4 where he wasn’t going. Continue reading

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VA Tech Shooter Description From Victim

A victim describes the Virgina Tech massacre shooter in this video as Asian, in his 20’s, dressed in a black leather jacket. Listen as he vividly describes the shooting and where he was hit. More At Lawhawk’s place More at LGF … Continue reading

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