Daily Archives: April 15, 2007

New Waziristan Loya Jirga, Late Evening Pakistan update

The Nation reports on a new Loya Jirga and new accords in North Waziristan  

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Senior Al Qaida Leaders Captured in Iraq

U.S. and Iraqi forces maintain the pressure on al Qaeda and the insurgency nationwide. Combined U.S. and Iraqi raids inside Baghdad led to 129 captured insurgents and the discovery of two bomb factories Continue reading

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Capitalism Conquers Death

In March at TED (Thinking, Entertainment, Design), Hans Rosling gave a presentation that clearly demonstrates the great strides the world has made by adopting Capitalism over the past forty years. Please watch this in its entirety, there are things that will … Continue reading

Posted in Energy, Freedom, Politics, Science, Technology, The Future | 2 Comments

Recent additions

In the sidebar under information and think tank resources I’ve added two links, one to TED, (Thinking, Entertainment, Design), and the other to Gapminder. Both of these present great data, and challenging thinking constructs. While some of the presentations and … Continue reading

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Pakistan Sunday Update

Events have settled to quasi-equilibrium in Pakistan this weekend. The country still faces a constitutional crisis until the Supreme Court Chief Justice detention is resolved one way or the other. The first hearings and petitions start review Monday in Pakistan … Continue reading

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