Pakistan Update

The Jamia Hafsa Madrassah, and the two twisted clerics who control it are still operating.  This is beginning to upset many in Pakistan, and Friday there were thousands demonstrating. These demonstrations marched in Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, and Peshawar,


From the Daily Times:

Thousands march in blistering heat in Lahore 
Protests also in Islamabad, Karachi and Peshawar

Staff Report
LAHORE/ISLAMABAD/ KARACHI/PESHAWAR: Thousands of Pakistanis staged rallies in major cities on Thursday to condemn extremism and exploitation in the name of Islam. Rights activists organised simultaneous protests in Lahore, Islamabad, Karachi and Peshawar to denounce extremist actions by students of the Jamia Hafsa and Jamia Fareedia madrassas, affiliated to Lal Masjid, in the capital.

Several thousand Lahoris marched in blistering heat on The Mall – the first time a large crowd has rallied against religious extremism in the city – in a rally organised by the Women’s Action Forum (WAF) in collaboration with other non-governmental organisations.
The protestors – including civil society and human rights activists, minority groups, political workers, lawyers, trade unions, journalists and students – gathered at the Lahore High Court building and began marching towards the Punjab Assembly building at 2:00pm. 

Lal Masjid / Jamia Hafsa remain defiant, and talks with the goverment are still broken off. The two brothers who run the illegal madrassah continue to press for full-blown extremist shariah of the Qutb misogynistic type. This even after 2,000 other religious leaders from across Pakistan representing 1,000 madrassas and Mosques signed a six point declaration against this extremist interpretation of shariah and jihad. This after the Wafaqul Madaris canceled the pseudo-madrassah’s affiliation.

After the convocation of 1,000 seminaries that created the declaration against extremism/Qutbism one of the leader’s homes was attacked in Peshawar by rocket fire, From Dawn:

PESHAWAR, April 20: A rocket was fired at the residential compound of JUI-F leader Maulana Fazlur Rehman in Dera Ismail Khan on Friday night. The rocket created a hole
in the outer wall of the compound but did not cause much damage. “It was a single rocket and there was no damage,” a policeman on duty at the control room in Dera Ismail Khan, told Dawn by telephone.
It was not immediately known as to who could be behind the rocket attack, but the JUI-F had sponsored a convention of over one thousand seminaries in Peshawar on Tuesday that had declared suicide bombings and vigilante activities by some elements un-Islamic.

The rocket was fired at 11.30 pm and hit the outer wall of the house of Maulana Ataur Rehman, younger brother of Maulana Fazlur Rehman, in Shorkot, about 15 km to the north of the city, on Bannu Road. The compound situated adjacent to a madressah includes the house of Malana Fazlur Rehman and his two brothers, Maulana Ataur Rehman and Maulana Lutfur Rehman.

This clearly displays the falsity of the extremist viewpoints as they are firing on other muslims and muslim clerics here. The murder-mullahs and Qutbists can not stand the criticism because their beliefs are thin and fragile, and the evil cannot stand in light of day. This is why the cowardly extremists attack at night and run.

Pakistan has moved two brigades from the Kashmir to the Afghan / Pakistan border to help stop cross-border forays by extremists on both sides. This has raised tension, and fire was exchanged between Pakistani army forces and Afghan army forces. From the Daily Times:

Islamabad—Pakistan said on Friday its troops had exchanged fire with an Afghan patrol a day earlier, but contradicted Kabul’s account that Afghan troops were tearing down a fence Pakistan had put up on the disputed frontier.
The Pakistan military accused an Afghan patrol of opening fire without provocation on one of its border posts. “Our forces retaliated and they ran away. There were no casualties,” military spokesman Major-General Waheed Arshad said. The Afghan Interior Ministry said on Thursday the gunbattle erupted after Pakistani troops opened fire on Afghan forces as they were removing a fence and mines laid by Pakistan.
Arshad denied Pakistani forces were fencing and mining the area. “There was neither any fence there, nor did they tear one down. Nobody entered into Pakistani territory,”

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