Cut and run crowd out in force with Zarqawi’s death

Nancy and the democrats still want to cut and run tomorrow, however the job is not done.

Nancy Pelosi Then:

Back in December of 2002, as independent strategic analysts were arguing that the evidence strongly suggested that Iraq had rid itself of its chemical and biological weapons some years earlier, Pelosi categorically declared on NBC’s Meet the Press that “Saddam Hussein certainly has chemical and biological weapons. There’s no question about that.”

Nancy Pelosi Now

“The death of al Zarqawi and the naming of the Iraqi Defense and Interior Minister should bring us closer to that goal, and hasten the day when American troops can come home.”

Nancy and the democrats who helped get us there still want to cut and run tomorrow, however the job is not done. There are still many terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan drawn by the al qaeda magnet and the US troops. It’s too early to end it yet, there’s more work to be done. Our troops aren’t giving up, don’t let Nancy give up for them.

Zarqawi is DEAD Terrorists rolled up across the world

Most of these suspects have never met. They had no need. They were recruited, groomed by skilled propagandists and schooled in bombmaking via the internet.

UPDATE : Zarqawi DEAD  More Here., 

Continue reading “Zarqawi is DEAD Terrorists rolled up across the world”

Wind Schism

Anthonares delves into the schisms appearing in the green camp over wind power in this article. It’s well written, and details some of the philosophies underneath the agendas, as I’ve pointed out here in some past posts. (right sidebar, Energy pages I, II, III.)

Continue reading “Wind Schism”

Secret Service Nabs Million dollar Churchbills

Counterfeit ministry secret+service million+dollar+bills virginia postrel Dallas morning news

There have to be some terrorists out there we haven’t found yet, there are probably some illegal aliens, and probably a hatful or two of moonbats who have threatened our President, the Secret Service is instead spending its time on things like this. This comes to us courtesy of Virginia Postrel, original article in Dallas Morning News.

DENTON – The U.S. Secret Service has seized bogus $1 million bills printed as religious tracts from a Denton ministry, saying the bills too closely resemble real money. The ministry’s leader says he’ll continue to hand out the tracts until he is ordered to stop.

Three agents visited the Great News Network at 2012 W. University Drive about 1 p.m. Friday and seized 83 100-count packets of what appear to be $1 million bills.

Get your wings

Wow, I need a pair of these….


   See the article on new special forces “Stealth Wings” at the Daily Mail.


The lightweight carbon fibre mono-wings will allow them to jump from high altitudes and then glide 120 miles or more before landing – making them almost impossible to spot, as their aircraft can avoid flying anywhere near the target.

Search Engine Recommendations

So there you have it, I need some comments on what other search engines are best, I will try a few and as soon as I get to a good one google desktop, google earth, and google search get peeled out of all five of my systems.

I am looking for an alternative to Google, seriously folks. Reasons:

  1. Their record of censorship in China
  2. Their screening of blogs that are “politically incorrect” (Do a search on “Jawa Report” on google news…)
  3. Their willingness to cooperate with communist tyrannies but unwillingness to cooperate with the US government to protect Americans by identifying terrorist search patterns.

  Continue reading “Search Engine Recommendations”

Remembering Reagan

Two years later, and I still am wishing we had some of Ronald Reagan’s wisdom with us now:

 200px-Official_Portrait_of_President_Reagan_1981.jpgSIMI VALLEY, Calif. (AP) – Two years after Ronald Reagan’s death, former first lady Nancy Reagan visited the hilltop gravesite of the nation’s 40th president and gently tapped his tombstone.  

Two years later, and I still am wishing we had some of Ronald Reagan’s wisdom with us now:

Above all, we must realize that no arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is so formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women. It is a weapon our adversaries in today’s world do not have.


Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.  — Ronald Reagan, 40th President of the United States

Massacre is a word reserved for US Marines by the press

I won’t be commenting on Haditha for the reasons pointed out here, however pointing out media double-standards is something that needs to occur when idiocy is on display. Please see California Conservatives note regarding the use of the word massacre, civilians killed by a military patrol are a massacre, students methodically murdered on a school bus don’t rate the word.