Daily Archives: June 18, 2006

Happy Birthday Suu Kyi

In days ahead think of her as well; when you see moonbats demonstrating over minor things, when you see politicians screeching hyperbolic and meaningless rants, think of Suu Kyi, and what real leadership, courage, and persistence is.
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Posted in Freedom, Politics | 2 Comments

Democratic Strategy Underwhelmingly Embarrassing

So it’s quite telling that the Democratic Leadership dropped their election strategy for ’06 late on a Friday afternoon at the beginning of silly season. Continue reading

Posted in Blogging, Energy, Journalism, Politics, Science, Technology | 5 Comments

Newt takes on Greenpeace and Global Warming

Newt Gingrich exposes Greenpeace anti-nuclear energy demagogery in this soundbite. Next he takes on global warming here. Continue reading

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