Daily Archives: June 11, 2006

Afghanistan update — change in strategy

UPDATE III “Task force 121 transfers from Iraq to Afghanistan” according to AM Kansas city Radio. Continue reading

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Lone Cypress Pencil Sketch

 I bought this from a fellow named Don something (can’t read the scrawled last name) in 1978. If anyone has info on more artwork by him, I certainly would be interested. I love pencil sketches like this done with such … Continue reading

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Gingrich Might Run

Gingrich is probably my candidate if he does run, the lot with their hats in the ring at present for both parties are largely unappealing. Continue reading

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September 11th Firefighter’s Memorial Unveiled

SF Chronical writes on the firefighter’s memorial Continue reading

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Nuclear Storage needed now

In a balanced article at the SF Chronicle they detail most of the issues surrounding fuel storage, and the reasons why we need to get the Yucca Mountain Storage facility in place. Continue reading

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Troop levels – just right

More troops in theater are not needed to destroy any assault the insurgents can mount, their sole purpose if they were sent would be to patrol, support, and suppress. That would create inescapable dependencies from the Iraqi army, and make the standing up of those units take much longer. Continue reading

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