Zarqawi is DEAD Terrorists rolled up across the world

UPDATE : Zarqawi DEAD  More Here., 

From CounterTerrorism Blog:

Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan: The death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the late commander of al-Qaeda in Iraq, has provided the Coalition forces and the Iraqi people with a moral victory against al-Qaeda in Iraq. Zarqawi was a powerful symbol of modern jihad, a ruthless commander willing to exercise brutality on the battlefield. Zarqawi is a legend in the jihadi community, who is often said to rival Osama bin Laden in popularity among the younger breed of jihadists. Zarqawi’s image and audio and video tapes are widely distributed, and his trademark skullcap a fashion statement.

Task Force 145 was very likely the lynch pin in the success in killing Zarqawi, Sheik Abd-Al-Rahman, his spiritual adviser, and seven other lieutenants during a high-level meeting. Over the past two months, TF-145 has conducted numerous raids and killed or captured numerous high-level members of Zarqawi’s organization in the area directly north and west of Baghdad. Known strikes against senior members of al-Qaeda in Iraq’s organization were executed in Baghdad, Ramadi, Yusifiyah, Muthana Chemical Complex at Lake Thar Thar, Samarra, Karbala, Jublayah, and Balad. Zarqawi was finally identified and targeted in Baquba, a city with an entrenched insurgent presence. “Tips and intelligence from Iraqi senior leaders from his network led forces to al-Zarqawi and some of his associates who were conducting a meeting approximately eight kilometers north of Baqubah when the air strike was launched,” according to Multinational Forces-Iraq.

My Way Story:

BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) – Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, al-Qaida’s leader in Iraq who led a bloody campaign of suicide bombings and kidnappings, has been killed in an air strike, U.S. and Iraqi officials said Thursday, adding that his identity was confirmed by fingerprints and a look at his face. It was a major victory in the U.S.-led war in Iraq and the broader war on terror.

Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki said al-Zarqawi was killed along with seven aides Wednesday evening in a remote area 30 miles northeast of Baghdad in the volatile province of Diyala, just east of the provincial capital of Baqouba, al-Maliki said.

Please take a moment to stop by Counterterrorism blog, scroll through their right side bar newlinks items. It’s truly amazing the number of terrorists captured over the past few weeks, and the numbers of countries involved. These cells were all identified and captured via electronic surveillance and following of internet email chains and chat rooms. The culmination was in Ontario, but the rests of the arrests across the world are now coming out. This is why the NSA program is important to continue, I just wonder why we are not doing more.

Here from one of the more informative articles:

An e-mail trail has led to the arrest of suspects across the world who were recruited and then schooled in bombmaking AN INTERNET trail left by a British computer expert has led investigators to an intricate terror network spreading from the backstreets of Baghdad through cells of young militants living in European capitals to Islamic extremists plotting car-bomb attacks in North America.For nine months police and intelligence agents in eight countries have patiently worked through a forest of e-mails and intercepted telephone calls that have so far led to the arrest of up to 30 men.             Â

Most of these suspects have never met. They had no need. They were recruited, groomed by skilled propagandists and schooled in bombmaking via the internet.

Our forces are really doing a magnificent job against the terrorists, but you just don’t see it in the media because it doesn’t advance their story line, agenda, and angle.

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