Daily Archives: June 13, 2006

Aung San Suu Kyi and Burma need Freedom

In the UN the US will shortly introduce a resolution to urge the junta to change it’s repressive policies, frowned on by most countries in the world. Please write your congressman and urge support for that initiative.

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Posted in Freedom | 3 Comments

Immigration Bill stalls in committee

Congress critters might have actually been reading mail from their constituents — I think they are waking up to the fact that any immigration bill could be the radioactive kryptonite that kills even super-incumbents. There are firm passions on all … Continue reading

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Rove Cleared, BUSH in IRAQ, Reporters left on Short Bus to Camp David

In a news day that has to have the left spinning madly Karl Rove will not be indicted per Fitzgerald’s office, President Bush is meeting with the Government of Iraq in the Green Zone as I type, and all the … Continue reading

Posted in Blogging, Journalism, Politics | 5 Comments