Daily Archives: June 3, 2006

Chinese Blogger Silenced

The last words Zou wrote on his blog described his feelings at the time he was prevented from boarding the plane: “The moment I saw the name ‘Zou Tao’ listed on the blacklist in the security center at the airport, I completely lost all hope. Continue reading

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Nuclear Update – Bogus Surveys appearing

In a sign of the desperation seizing the environmental lobbies now that Kyoto is being questioned or even thrown by the wayside by some of the signatories, several groups are now lobbying against nuclear power. They see the coming dissolution … Continue reading

Posted in Energy, Freedom, Politics, Science | 2 Comments

Iranian Protests in Azerbaijan continue

The protests in Iran continue, I appreciate the diligence that bloggers are taking to pixilate the faces of the protestors, the folks in Iran are courageous and putting their future and their families future in jeopardy in the face of … Continue reading

Posted in Freedom, Politics | 2 Comments

Non-Nuclear ICBMs – update II

Leave it to the Russians to report this best, here’s a great article from Pravda that gives the strategic significance and the most detail on the new program proposed. With this program no terrorist leader in the world is safe … Continue reading

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