Daily Archives: June 24, 2006

CAIR sics FBI agents on LGF

CAIR sics FBI agents on LGF Continue reading

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Good news for Missourah! Talent leads McCaskill

In a new poll from The Wall Street Journal, Missouri Candidate Jim Talent leads Democratic candidate Claire McCaskill by 5 points. Check the comments here, her supporters think it might be because she supports our troops. Note that one makes … Continue reading

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A quick peek at my new love

Here is a short peek at the new love of my life, but don’t tell my wife I said that.

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Prachandra Baits Nepalese Army and Bides Time

To exist Communist Dictatorships must imprison, crush, or exile the free individual. Nepal’s fate remains in the hands of its people — will the new government keep the Maoist/Shining path thugs at bay, or will the dark night descend? Continue reading

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Global Warming news

Global atmospheric carbon level may depend primarily on southernmost ocean from Circulation in the waters near the Antarctic coast may be one of the planet’s critical means of regulating levels of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere, according to Princeton researchers.
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Weekend Nuclear Energy Roundup

In an interesting twist on some of Atomic Rod’s ideas, the Russians now plan to build portable floating nuclear reactors as reported by Der Spiegel. It’s workable, since these are reactors just like the ones Russian Subs and Icebreakers currently use. Continue reading

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