Daily Archives: June 10, 2006

Zarqawi Lunacy erupts

It’s only been two days and the loons are already cranking out the reality bending agitprop…. Zarqawi couldn’t have been a fundamentalist terrorist because he was with a woman in skimpy clothing…. Zarqawi in the pictures was an actor, it was time to end the US terrorism propaganda….. Zarqawi was invited into Iraq by the US…… Continue reading

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Saturday Hodgepodge

Here’s another reason for the demonstrations against the current government of Iran in Azerbaijan — the rantings of Ahmadinejad against Israel might interupt a major source of revenue for the region. Israel buys 40,000 barrels of oil a day from the Azerbaijan region. Continue reading

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Nepal Update, Maoists throwing up roadblocks

The US has recognized and encouraged the new democratic government of Nepal, but the Maoists are unhappy with the process, and are throwing up roadblocks. The Government of Nepal has issued formal protest regarding Maoists demanding changes to the peace process. Here’s … Continue reading

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