FBI arrests terrorist suspects in Miami

What is it with Florida and Terrorists? More raids there, FBI agents will release more on details Friday, but here’s whats being said now.

Little Green Footballs has a breaking story posted that led me to the AP story here on Yahoo.

MIAMI – FBI agents investigating terrorism-related activities were conducting a number of raids and had made several arrests Thursday, the bureau’s director said.

FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III told CNN that it was an ongoing operation and that more details would be released Friday. Local television was reporting that agents were raiding a warehouse in Miami’s Liberty City section.

“There is no imminent threat to Miami or any other area because of these operations,” said Richard Kolko, spokesman for FBI headquarters in Washington. He declined to comment further.

Here’s the local story coverage from WCBSTV. Some stories reporting Sears Tower in Chicago as the potential target of the cell.

A housing project and a warehouse have been raided, no materials found yet. More at CNN.

Officials said no weapons or bomb-making materials had been found in the searches so far. The Miami area is under no imminent threat, according to the FBI.

Law enforcement sources told CNN the seven arrests were made in connection with “suspected domestic terrorist activity,” and that documents related to the investigation have been sealed.

One of the arrests was made before Thursday, officials said.

The FBI said one search warrant was being executed in a warehouse near a housing project in Liberty City, a predominantly black and low-income area of Miami.


From the MSNBC article:

‘They seemed brainwashed’
Residents near the warehouse said FBI agents spent several hours in the neighborhood showing photos of the suspects and seeking information. They said the men had lived in the area about a year.

“They slept there” in the warehouse, said Tashawn Rose, 29. “They would come out late at night and exercise. It seemed like a military boot camp that they were working on there. They would come out and stand guard.”

She talked to one of them about a month ago. “They seemed brainwashed. They said they had given there lives to Allah,” Rose said.


More at Lawhawk.

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