The unrest starts: Teachers strike against HAMAS over pay

The internal unrest starts against HAMAS, see article on teacher’s strike:

 Palestinian teachers at five schools went on strike on Saturday to demand overdue paychecks, in the first sign of unrest by public employees against the Hamas-led government over a growing financial crisis.

Srebrenica Massacre 10 + years later

To the contrary, conservative Serbian dailies ignored the commemoration ceremony. Tha Barba published no news articles on the Srebrenica massacre. Some newspapers recalled only the Serbian soldiers that were killed. A group of Serbian nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) attending the commemoration ceremony in Potocari had supported Srebrenican mothers. Members of the Serbian anti-war women’s organization expressing their empathy for Bosnian Muslim families had urged that the war criminals must stand before a court and be tried for their crimes. As many people in Serbia-Montenegro believe no massacres was committed in Srebrenica, first images of the massacre published and broadcast last month triggered heated debates around the nation. Families of the victims collapsed when they saw the shocking images that were broadcast on television around the entire world. Some Serbs have changed their attitudes upon viewing these images. When Nura Alispahic, a Bosnian mother tuned on her television, she witnessed how Serbian soldiers had killed her youngest son Azmir 10 years ago. Apart from the first images of the former Yugoslavian dictator Slobodan Milosevic standing before the war crimes tribunal in The Hague, other images will be shown to the public opinion in the upcoming days.


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