Tag Archives: tax

Obama’s Budget is a Giveaway Grab Bag; You Don’t Know What Will Come Out of It

We’ve already seen how Barack manages large programs, under the Annenberg Challenge with Bill Ayers he gave away a total of 150 million to gaggle of community activist groups to improve schools. Some of those groups were radical, but putting … Continue reading

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Down the Road is 2011: Dems Plan to Raise Taxes By Letting Bush Tax Cuts Expire

Barney Frank on MSNBC talking about how “down the road” [translation: after Barack is elected] we need to tax “the rich” more to pay for even more stimulus now [translation: money for cronies and democrat groups.] The Democrat definition of … Continue reading

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Spreading the Joe’s Wealth Around – Obama’s New Welfare Plan

There are quite a few things wrong with Obama’s new Tax plan, but I’m going to focus on two that are egregiously wrong. The worst thing about it is the built-in socialism, he would tax most busineses in America and pass … Continue reading

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Big Government Casts a Big Shadow

The latest McCain-Palin advertisements, Is Raines next to go under the bus?: ……………………………………………………………………………………………..   More on this from Ed at Hot Air and at Jammie Wearing Fool

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The Temple of Taxation

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McCain Slams Obama on Taxes

While the MSM continues to paint John McCain as weak on the economy, he continues to exhibit signs that he has firmer grasp of economic reality than his opponent Obama. This as evidenced by McCain’s anti-tax and anti-spending positions as … Continue reading

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