Tag Archives: creationism

Are Good News Clubs Good For Our Children?

Good News Clubs are infiltrating our public schools an turning them into tax-payer funded indoctrination centers. Presentations by Rebecca Hale, Katherine Stewart, Richard Dawkins, Eric Cernyer and Sean Faircloth. Presented at Colorado College, Colorado Springs, Colorado. February 27, 2013 via … Continue reading

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Religious Politics and Secular Values Changed Louisiana

This is good overview of how the creationist groups work behind the scenes on anti-science and regressive social legislation. It’s not just evolution – it’s also gay marriage, climate change, stem cells, right to die, and other issues where religious … Continue reading

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Bill Nye on creationism: It’s like teaching the earth is flat

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Creationism: Still Crazy After all These Years

Creationism: Still Crazy After all These Years Eugenie Scott is always a good listen.

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Complexity Complexity Complexity

Complexity Complexity Complexity P.Z. Meyers boils Discovery Institute’s argument for design down to essentials.

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Irreducible Complexity Debunked Again; DI Trashed Again

Irreducible Complexity Debunked Again NCSE has a new video out covering evolution of the mollusk eye which debunks one of the ID/Creationist’s favorite claims: that the eye is just too complex to have evolved, that each step would need to … Continue reading

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Dump the Dentist

Dump the Dentist Don McLeroy, Dentist, Discovery Institute shill, and Chairman of the Texas State Board of education is under fire and likely out of a job. He’s a Governor Rick Perry appointee, but the legislature still has to confirm. … Continue reading

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Leo Berman Introduces Bill to Allow Creationist Schools to Grant Science Degrees

Leo Berman Introduces Bill to Let Creationist Schools Grant Science Degrees Leo Berman,  Republican Texas state congresscritter, has introduced a bill that would allow private schools to issue Science degrees with exceptions to science standards. This exemption from state standards … Continue reading

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Computational Genomics: Deconstructing DNA to Determine Evolutionary Paths

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