On Google Books & The Settlement
Not many are aware of the breadth of the Google Books initiative, or the controversies it has created. I became aware of it from reading Vernor Vinge’s “Rainbow’s End“.
Here’s Google’s Alexander MacGillivray talking about the service, the legal challenges, and the settlement.
This makes it worthwhile to get a library card again, there are many out of print books that I want to read again.
Thanks go to the Berkman Center for the session.
If you don’t have a library card currently, maybe you don’t know that libraries ditch books that are not checked out regularly. They’re out of space and new books keep being published. Finding an out of print book is getting increasingly more difficult, sometimes you can get them from interlibrary loan. Not always. Sorry to bring you the bad news. Makes google look better.
Yes, there is both good and bad with this initiative. Thanks for the head’s up on the out of print book issue, I”ll give it a shot anyway.